Monday, August 17, 2015

Install Oracle 11R2 in Fedora 22 Server

Installation Steps:

Error in invoking target ‘links proc gen_pcscfg procob’ of makefile ‘<ORACLE_HOME>/precomp/lib/
Install the following packages using YUM:
Then run the following commands:
# rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/lib/stubs/*
# cp $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/ $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/
# vi $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/
Look for:
And change it into:
LINK=$(LDCCOM) --Wl,--no-as-needed

Exception String: Error in invoking target 'agent nmhs' of makefile '/opt/oracle/app/product/'

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fedora 22 Server Installation

Install the Fedora 22 server as a client VM. Fedora server default doesn't come with any GUI, but I want the GUI because it makes life easier. Here are the step to install the KDE:
yum groupinstall "KDE Plasma Workspaces"

Here is the command to set the GUI as default:
systemctl set-default

Then I want to set the VM client to have a higher resolution. You need to install this first:
sudo yum install gcc dkms kernel-devel

Mount the "Guest Additional CD Image", and navigate to your CD device.
cd /run/media/<username>

Run the following command to install the VM display driver:
sudo ./

Monday, August 3, 2015

Lenovo X1 3rd generation with Windows 10

Just make a job changed, sadly returned the MacBook Pro that offered by the old company. While the new company offered me a Lenovo X240 with a 32 bit Windows running, without Chrome and FireFox, but the stupid IE8. In addition, the OS setting is highly restricted even I can't copy a single files from the Laptop. So, I decided to do a bit investment for myself, buy a new Laptop!

Bought a Lenovo X1 3rd generation with almost the best specification. Upgraded to Windows 10 right the way. The upgrade was smooth, no drama at all. I have to say the computer is very light compare with the MacBook Pro, I just hope it can support 16G memory. 

However, I encountered an annoying problem with my Logitech K360 wireless keyboard. It doesn't work when I power on the X1, but it works after I restart the machine. Then I found out it's because I connected the unified receiver in the SS port (the USB in the right hand side), while I swap it to the USB in the left hand side, all the problem gone!